Free Up Space: How To Disable Or Remove Bloatware On Your Samsung Galaxy Phone

Samsung Galaxy phones are known for their smooth interfaces and useful apps for gaming, media, and more. However, they often come with a lot of preinstalled apps, many of which users never need. This happens because Samsung adds its One UI skin over the standard Google Android system, leading to duplicate apps from both Samsung and Google that do the same things.
These unnecessary apps can make your phone cluttered and harder to navigate. They can also take up storage space and drain your phone’s performance and battery because they run in the background.
Removing these apps isn’t as easy as just uninstalling third-party apps, since many of them are built into the system.
In the next steps, I’ll show you how to disable and remove these apps to free up space and improve your phone’s performance.

Step-by-Step Guide to Disable Pre-Installed Apps on Samsung:
- Open the Settings app.
- Scroll down and tap on Apps.
- Find and tap the app you want to disable.
- Tap the Disable button at the bottom.
- You might see a warning like, “Disabling this app may cause other apps to stop working correctly.”
- Tap Disable app to stop it from running.
- If you want to use the app later, follow the same steps and tap Enable instead.

Steps to Hide Pre-Installed Samsung Apps on the Home Screen
- Open Settings.
- Tap on Home screen.
- Tap on Hide apps on Home and App screens.
- A list of apps will appear. Select the apps you want to hide, then tap Done.

A Simple Guide to Putting Unwanted Samsung Apps to Sleep
- Open Settings.
- Tap Battery.
- You’ll see your battery info; tap Background usage limits.
- Turn on the option to Put unused apps to sleep.
- Tap Deep sleeping apps to see apps that won’t run in the background, won’t get updates, and will only run when you open them.
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